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Trialpack PC Controller Vision

Vision Option for PC Controller

The Trialpack Controller Vision option is a hardware/software combination able to verify the presence of products in blisters before sealing. It provides an easy to set up but flexible filling verification system. Using a high resolution color camera, it is able to verify blister packs with thermoformed film and cold formed aluminum foil.

Inspection Criteria:

The vision system is using the configuration data created in the Trialpack Designer and does not require any additional complex configuration or set-up by the machine operator, as it automatically establishes format specific parameters based on a sample of good blister packs. Blister packs are checked row by row to retain the full format flexibilty of Pentapack's CT and BP range blister packers including asymmetrical blister packs. It is possible to verify up to four different shapes in the same blister pack.

Vision error display

The hardware consists of a high resolution camera and illumination unit connected to the Trialpack PC Controller.

Vision 160 Canmera and Illumination Unit

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